Question: 1.1.02-133 A person at the side of the road is wearing a yellow armband with three black spots. What does this armband indicate?

A. The wearer is disabled

B. I am obliged to behave in a particular way towards this person

C. This person belongs to a particular profession


A person at the side of the road is wearing a yellow armband with three black spots. What does this armband indicate?

Option A: The yellow armband with three black spots indicates that the person has a severe visual impairment. This armband is a recognized symbol of blindness or severe visual disability in Germany.

Option B: The presence of the armband means that as a driver, you have an increased duty of care. It would be best if you slowed down, be prepared to stop, and ensure that the person can cross the road safely or navigate the area without risk.

Faisal Nazir
Faisal Nazir , an experienced driver with extensive knowledge of Germany's roads. From mastering the Autobahn to understanding the nuances of local traffic rules.


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