Driving Education – DriveeGermany https://driveegermany.com Only the worth reading information Tue, 15 Aug 2023 09:24:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://driveegermany.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cropped-driveegermany-big-favicon-2-150x150.png Driving Education – DriveeGermany https://driveegermany.com 32 32 Why Does the Autobahn Have No Speed Limit? Explained https://driveegermany.com/autobahn-have-no-speed-limit-explained/ https://driveegermany.com/autobahn-have-no-speed-limit-explained/#comments Tue, 15 Aug 2023 09:24:08 +0000 https://driveegermany.com/?p=8531 The question, “Why Does the Autobahn Have No Speed Limit?” often arises when discussing Germany’s famed high-speed highway system. The Autobahn, Germany’s high-speed highway system, is renowned worldwide for sections that have no mandated speed limit. It’s a topic of fascination and intrigue for many, especially those from countries with strict speed regulations. But why is this the case?

Historical Background

The Autobahn’s construction began in the 1930s, with the first stretch completed in 1935 between Frankfurt and Darmstadt. Its creation aimed to provide a roadway exclusive to automobiles, ensuring faster travel between cities without the interference of pedestrians, horses, or other non-automobile traffic. Since speed was a primary consideration from its inception, there was no apparent need to impose a limit. The Autobahn was built with wider lanes, broader curves, and fewer grade changes than other roads, facilitating faster, safer travel without cross-traffic.

The Reality of Speed Limits on the Autobahn

Contrary to popular belief, not every part of the Autobahn is devoid of speed restrictions. While some stretches indeed have no set limit, there exists a “recommended” speed limit in unrestricted areas. When you see the no speed limit sign on the Autobahn, it’s an indication that the speed limit restrictions have been lifted for that particular stretch.

Though there aren’t direct penalties for surpassing this recommended speed, doing so and getting into an accident can lead to insurance complications.

Factors Enabling No Speed Limit on the Autobahn

Several unique conditions in Germany make it feasible to maintain parts of the Autobahn without a set speed limit:

  • Rigorous driver’s training and education in Germany: Obtaining a driver’s license in Germany is neither easy nor cheap. This rigorous process results in better and more confident drivers on average.
  • Lane discipline and driving behaviour: Germans are well-trained to drive on the Autobahn and maintain exceptional lane discipline. The left lane is strictly for overtaking, and one rarely finds vehicles crawling in this lane, reducing the risk of high-speed collisions.
  • State of road maintenance: German highways are consistently better maintained than those in many other countries. This is crucial, especially when vehicles travel at high speeds.
  • Vehicle conditions and inspections: All vehicles in Germany must undergo periodic inspections to ensure roadworthiness. This strict enforcement ensures that cars are in top condition, minimizing the chances of accidents due to vehicle failures.

The Role of Modern German Vehicles

German vehicles are intricately designed to handle high speeds, enhancing the overall safety on the Autobahn. The mandatory inspections ensure that only road-worthy vehicles ply on the highways, further minimizing risks.

Cultural Perspectives and Public Opinion

The absence of speed restrictions on parts of the Autobahn is more than just a matter of practicality; it’s also cultural. Many Germans view this as an element of personal freedom. Interestingly, while Americans might see unrestricted speed as a hazard, they have a more relaxed view towards firearms, which arguably presents a more significant risk.

Moreover, car manufacturers, with their influential lobby, argue for maintaining the current state of restrictions.

Autobahn and Safety

Despite the high speeds, the Autobahn is safe. Its design ensures faster-moving vehicles can drive without constant lane changes, avoiding slower traffic. Anecdotal evidence, such as the experience of a motorcyclist travelling from Darmstadt to Switzerland, highlights the system’s efficiency and safety, even at speeds upwards of 100 mph.


The reasons the Autobahn has no speed limit in certain sections stem from historical intent, rigorous training, meticulous maintenance, and deep-rooted cultural values. While it may seem like an anomaly to outsiders, this unique aspect of the Autobahn is a testament to Germany’s unwavering commitment to driving discipline, road safety, and personal freedom.

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Drink Driving Limit in Germany: Guide for Drivers https://driveegermany.com/drink-driving-limit-in-germany-guide-for-drivers/ https://driveegermany.com/drink-driving-limit-in-germany-guide-for-drivers/#respond Mon, 24 Apr 2023 21:34:54 +0000 https://driveegermany.com/?p=8226 Drink driving limit in Germany is a crucial topic for both residents and visitors to the country. Germany has strict laws in place to ensure the safety of everyone on the road, and understanding these regulations is essential to avoid severe penalties.

We’ll discuss the legal drunk driving limit in Germany, the consequences of exceeding it, and tips on how to stay within limits to ensure a safe and enjoyable time on German roads.

Legal Drink Driving Limit in Germany

The legal drink driving limit in Germany is 0.5 grams of alcohol per liter of blood or 0.25 milligrams of alcohol per liter of breath.

This limit is lower than the standard in some countries, making it even more critical for drivers to be cautious about their alcohol consumption.

For professional drivers, the limit is even stricter at 0.2 grams per liter of blood, while for drivers under the age of 21 or those who have held their license for less than two years, the limit is 0.0 grams per liter of blood.

Consequences of Exceeding the Drink Driving Limit Germany

In Germany, a strict 0.0 alcohol limit is enforced for drivers during their probationary period and for individuals up to 21 years old. Those caught driving under the influence for the first time may face:

  • A fine of 250 euros
  • 1 point on their driving record in Flensburg
  • Mandatory attendance in an advanced seminar
  • An extension of the probationary period to 4 years

Additionally, drivers of buses, taxis, and vehicles carrying hazardous materials are not allowed to consume alcohol. Non-compliance can result in fines from 10,000 to 50,000 euros.

To ensure accuracy, a breach of the 0.0-permille limit is generally considered only at a blood alcohol concentration of 0.2 per thousand or a breath-alcohol concentration of 0.1 mg/l.

For drivers subject to the 0.5 alcohol limit, operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration between 0.5 and 1.09 per mil without any other irregularities observed during a check is deemed an administrative offense. First-time offenders in this category can expect:

  • A fine of 500 euros
  • 2 points on their driving record in Flensburg
  • A 1-month driving ban

Being aware of the penalties associated with surpassing alcohol limits while driving in Germany is essential for promoting road safety and avoiding these significant repercussions.

Related: Consequences of driving without a licence in Germany.

Tips to Stay Within the Legal Limit

To stay within the drink driving limit Germany and avoid any legal trouble, consider the following tips:

  1. Limit your alcohol consumption, especially if you plan to drive.
  2. Eat a substantial meal before drinking, as food helps slow down the absorption of alcohol in the bloodstream.
  3. Wait for an adequate amount of time after drinking before getting behind the wheel; it takes about one hour for your body to process one standard drink.
  4. Use a breathalyzer or blood alcohol testing kit to confirm your BAC before driving.
  5. If you’re unsure whether you’re within the legal limit, opt for a taxi, public transportation, or a designated driver.


Can passengers drink alcohol in a car in Germany?

In Germany, passengers are generally allowed to consume alcohol in a car as long as they do not interfere with the driver’s ability to operate the vehicle safely. 

However, it is essential to keep in mind the public consumption of alcohol. For instance, if a passenger is excessively intoxicated, public transportation staff may refuse to let them board, or a taxi driver could decline to provide service.

Can you drink 1 beer and drive in Germany?

While it might be possible for some individuals to drink one beer and still be under the legal limit.

In Germany, the legal drink driving limit is 0.5 grams of alcohol per liter of blood or 0.25 milligrams of alcohol per liter of breath. Whether you can drink one beer and drive depends on various factors, including your body weight, metabolism, and the size and alcohol content of the beer. 


In conclusion, understanding and respecting the drink driving limit Germany is essential for the safety of everyone on the road.

By being aware of the legal limits, the consequences of exceeding them, and following the tips mentioned above, drivers can help ensure that their time on German roads is both enjoyable and safe.

Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to drinking and driving.

https://driveegermany.com/drink-driving-limit-in-germany-guide-for-drivers/feed/ 0
Driving Beam vs Passing Beam: Understanding the Differences https://driveegermany.com/driving-beam-vs-passing-beam-understanding/ https://driveegermany.com/driving-beam-vs-passing-beam-understanding/#respond Tue, 21 Mar 2023 22:40:48 +0000 https://driveegermany.com/?p=8127 When it comes to automotive lighting, understanding the difference between driving beam vs passing beam can significantly enhance your nighttime driving experience and safety.

We will explore the various aspects of these two types of beams, their applications, and how they impact overall visibility and road safety.

What is a Driving Beam?

Driving Beam vs Passing Beam

A driving beam also referred to as a main beam or high beam, is designed to provide maximum illumination at long distances.

These beams are typically used in low-visibility situations, such as unlit rural roads or during poor weather conditions. Driving beams produce a bright, focused light that extends far ahead of the vehicle, allowing the driver to see obstacles, road signs, and potential hazards at a greater distance.

What is a Passing Beam?

the passing beam sign

A passing beam, also known as a dipped beam or low beam, is designed to provide adequate illumination while minimizing glare to oncoming traffic.

These beams are angled downward, projecting light onto the road in front of the vehicle without blinding other drivers. Passing beams are the default setting for most cars and are used in various driving situations, including urban areas and well-lit roads.

Applications of Driving Beams and Passing Beams

Driving Beams:

  • Rural roads or highways with little to no street lighting
  • Off-road driving or trail exploration
  • Poor weather conditions such as fog, heavy rain, or snow

Passing Beams:

  • Urban areas with street lighting
  • Well-lit highways
  • Any situation where oncoming traffic is present

Advantages and Disadvantages of Driving Beams and Passing Beams

Driving Beams: AdvantagesDriving Beams: Disadvantages
Improved long-range visibilityCan cause glare and discomfort for oncoming drivers
Enhanced ability to spot potential hazards or obstaclesNot suitable for use in areas with traffic or pedestrians
Passing Beams: AdvantagesPassing Beams: Disadvantages
Minimizes glare for oncoming trafficLimited range compared to driving beams
Suitable for most driving situationsMay not provide adequate illumination in certain conditions

Regulatory Requirements for Driving Beams and Passing Beams

In most countries, the use of driving beams and passing beams is regulated to ensure the safety of all road users.

Drivers must switch to passing beams when approaching oncoming traffic or following another vehicle to avoid causing discomfort or impairing the vision of other drivers.

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines or penalties, depending on local laws.

Recommended: When to Use Headlight Flasher in Germany?

Proper Maintenance and Alignment of Your Headlights

To ensure optimal performance of your driving and passing beams, it is crucial to maintain and check the alignment of your headlights regularly. Some tips for proper maintenance include:

  • Clean your headlights regularly to remove dirt, grime, and debris that can reduce light output.
  • Inspect your headlights for any cracks or damage that can impact performance.
  • Check the alignment of your headlights at least once a year or more frequently if you notice visibility issues. Misaligned headlights can reduce visibility and create glare for oncoming traffic.

Choosing the Right Beam for Your Driving Needs

Understanding the differences between driving beams and passing beams is crucial for ensuring a safe and enjoyable driving experience. 

When selecting the appropriate beam for your situation, consider factors such as road conditions, visibility, and the presence of other road users. 

Always be prepared to switch between beams as needed, and be mindful of your surroundings to ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road.

In conclusion, understanding the differences between driving beams and passing beams and their proper usage and maintenance is essential for safe and effective nighttime driving.

Ensuring that you use the appropriate beam for the situation and keeping your headlights in good working order can enhance your visibility, improve your driving experience, and contribute to overall road safety.

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Defensive Driving: A Comprehensive Introduction https://driveegermany.com/defensive-driving-a-comprehensive-introduction/ https://driveegermany.com/defensive-driving-a-comprehensive-introduction/#respond Sat, 18 Mar 2023 22:41:31 +0000 https://driveegermany.com/?p=8119 Defensive driving is a driving style aimed at preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of all road users. We will delve into defensive driving, why it’s essential, and how to implement it effectively.

What is Defensive Driving?

Defensive driving is a driving strategy designed to minimize the risk of accidents and adapt one’s driving behavior to prioritize safety and anticipation. Various techniques are employed to identify potential hazards early, avoid them, and respond appropriately to possible issues on the road.

The Importance of Defensive Driving

The importance of defensive driving lies in preventing accidents, reducing traffic fatalities and injuries, and improving overall road safety. Defensive drivers are more attentive, allowing them to respond quickly to potential hazards. They also contribute to reducing environmental impacts through unnecessary fuel consumption and emissions, as they tend to drive more proactively and energy-efficiently.

Techniques of Defensive Driving

Defensive driving techniques include:

  1. Anticipatory driving: Observe traffic and road conditions to identify potential hazards early and respond appropriately.
  2. Maintaining a safe following distance: Always keep an adequate distance from the vehicle in front of you to have enough time and space to react in case of sudden braking.
  3. Adapting to weather and road conditions: Adjust your speed and driving style according to prevailing conditions to maintain vehicle control.
  4. Compliance with traffic rules: Always follow traffic rules and signs to avoid potential accidents and fines.
  5. Emotional control: Don’t let anger or aggression influence your driving, and avoid risky behavior.

Benefits of Defensive Driving

The benefits of defensive driving are numerous:

  1. Accident prevention: Proactive and careful driving can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.
  2. Cost savings: Fewer accidents mean lower costs for repairs, insurance, and fines.
  3. Environmental friendliness: Defensive driving reduces fuel consumption and emissions, leading to less environmental impact.
  4. Stress reduction: Defensive drivers are generally more relaxed and less stressed as they avoid potential conflicts on the road.
  5. Improved driving skills: Applying defensive driving techniques leads to a more conscious and safer driving style, strengthening driving competence.

Recommended: How to Save Money on Gas for Car

Learning and Practicing Defensive Driving

To learn and practice defensive driving, you can take the following steps:

  1. Attend a driving school or course: Many driving schools offer defensive driving courses where you can learn the basics and techniques and practice them hands-on.
  2. Self-study: Learn about defensive driving through books, articles, or online resources to deepen your knowledge and understanding.
  3. Gain experience: Practice defensive driving in everyday life and on every drive. The more experience you gain, the more confident you will feel in your driving style.
  4. Seek feedback: Ask friends or family members who are also good defensive drivers for feedback on your driving to identify areas for improvement.

Advanced Defensive Driving Techniques

In addition to the basic techniques of defensive driving, there are more advanced methods that can further enhance safety on the road:

  1. Scanning the road: Continuously scan the road ahead, including the sides and rearview mirrors, to maintain a 360-degree awareness of your surroundings.
  2. Communicating with other drivers: Use signals, headlights, and horns appropriately to communicate your intentions and ensure others know your actions.
  3. Adjusting to blind spots: Be aware of your vehicle’s blind spots and those of other vehicles, especially large trucks. Position your vehicle to minimize the time spent in another driver’s blind spot.
  4. Predicting other drivers’ actions: Anticipate what other drivers might do, such as merging lanes, turning, or slowing down, and react accordingly.
  5. Keeping your vehicle in good condition: Regularly inspect and maintain it to ensure it is in optimal working condition, minimizing the risk of mechanical failures or malfunctions.
defensive driving guide. guide to defensive driving

Building Defensive Driving Habits

Incorporating defensive driving habits into your daily driving routine can lead to long-term improvements in safety and driving performance:

  1. Cultivate patience: Practice patience when driving, especially during heavy traffic or when encountering aggressive drivers. This can help reduce stress and the likelihood of making hasty decisions.
  2. Stay focused: Eliminate distractions, such as using a mobile phone, eating, or fiddling with the radio, to maintain full attention on the road.
  3. Practice good posture: Proper seating and steering wheel position can improve your control over the vehicle and reduce fatigue on long drives.
  4. Keep a safety kit in your car: Equip your vehicle with a safety kit containing essential items such as a first-aid kit, flashlight, reflective triangles, and a fire extinguisher for emergencies.
  5. Update your knowledge: Stay informed about new traffic laws, regulations, and driving techniques to keep your defensive driving skills up-to-date.

Defensive Driving for Different Road Users

Defensive driving techniques can be adapted to various road users, such as motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians:

  1. Motorcyclists: Wear appropriate protective gear, stay visible to other drivers, maintain a safe following distance, and avoid riding in blind spots of larger vehicles.
  2. Bicyclists: Follow traffic rules, use designated bike lanes when available, signal your intentions, and wear visible clothing and helmets for added safety.
  3. Pedestrians: Use crosswalks, obey traffic signals, make eye contact with drivers before crossing, and remain vigilant for vehicles that may not see you.

The Role of Technology in Defensive Driving

Modern technology can assist drivers in adopting defensive driving techniques:

  1. Driver assistance systems: Features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and collision avoidance systems can help maintain a safe distance and prevent accidents.
  2. Dashcams: These cameras can record your driving, allowing you to review your behavior and identify areas for improvement.
  3. GPS navigation: Using GPS devices or apps can help you plan your route and anticipate turns or exits, reducing last-minute maneuvers.
  4. Smartphone apps: Numerous driving apps can provide real-time traffic updates, alert you to road hazards, or track your driving performance for analysis.


Defensive driving is a skill that benefits everyone on the road. By adopting advanced techniques, building good driving habits, and leveraging technology, you can further improve your safety and the safety of those around you.

Regardless of your mode of transportation, understanding and practicing defensive driving can lead to a safer and more enjoyable driving experience.

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14 Tips to Pass Practical Driving Test in Germany https://driveegermany.com/tips-to-pass-practical-driving-test-germany/ https://driveegermany.com/tips-to-pass-practical-driving-test-germany/#respond Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:38:11 +0000 https://driveegermany.com/?p=7481 We are sharing a list of some good tricks for passing the German driver’s license practical test but first of all, make sure you are fit and healthy when taking your test. Remember, if you’re nervous about passing your practical driving test, there’s no need to be – follow these 14 tips to pass the practical driving test in Germany and make sure you give yourself every chance of success!

Never drive in Germany without a valid driver’s license. There are different types of driving licenses in Germany and there are various penalties if you are caught driving in Germany without a valid driver’s license.

There are lots of road rules and safe driving practices that must be mastered before you get on the road without an instructor by your side. This article covers some of the most essential driving tips that can help any driver improve their skills and make them safer on the road.

Tips to Pass Practical Driving Test in Germany

Stay Calm

One of the most important ways you can pass your driving test is by staying calm and avoiding any risky behaviour. If you get nervous behind the wheel, chances are you’ll make mistakes that will put your driving instructor’s patience to the test.

If you feel yourself starting to panic, try taking a few deep breaths. Remember: if you want to pass your practical driving test, stay calm!

  • No rush
  • Drive as you learned in driving school – Don’t do anything new.
  • Don’t drive crazy slow because you are “careful”.

Check Your Mirrors

One of the most valuable driving tips to pass a practical driving test is to check the mirrors regularly. One of the most valuable driving tips to pass the practical driving test is to check the mirrors regularly. As you drive down the road, check your mirrors to make sure that you’re aware of what’s happening behind you. Remember to glance in the inside mirror every few seconds and make sure that there’s nothing unusual behind you. If there is, then signal to let other drivers know what you’re doing.

For example, if a vehicle has been following closely behind you for some time and it looks like they want to move over into your lane, it might be a good idea to use your turn signal so that they know where you’ll be going.

  • Look into the inside mirrors from time to time.
  • Every 10 seconds or after you check your speedometer.
  • Don’t be stiff – you are not a muppet 😉

Tight Spot – Drive Slow

  • You are not sure if you fit? better wait.
  • Corner with bad vision? drive slow.
  • Multiple parking cars? slow.
  • Distance = 1 meter to cars, .5 meters to pedestrians, bicycles, etc.


When reversing, you should drive slowly and not rush. Keep your eyes on what is behind you by checking your rear-view mirror as well as side-view mirrors. Look both ways before changing lanes or merging to ensure that there are no cars around you. If it’s safe to reverse, check your surroundings and drive backwards. To avoid having to reverse, remember to follow all traffic signs when driving forwards, such as stop signs and traffic lights.

  • Always slow.
  • One of the most dangerous manoeuvres because of bad vision.
  • No problem when you go slow.
  • Precision and safety before speed.


One of your main responsibilities is to use your signals properly. Be sure to check and make sure that any vehicles near you have enough room to manoeuvre and aren’t close enough to cause a collision if you signal a turn or lane change.

You have to be aware of when you have to use a headlight flasher in Germany.

how to pass a driving test in Germany. German driving license tips and tricks

And don’t forget to signal when turning, merging, or exiting a highway or off-ramp. Signal even if there are no other cars around; you never know when someone may be coming up from behind who didn’t see your signal—or who might simply ignore your signal.

  • Always use the signals when you turn in the direction of incoming traffic.
  • Signals when changing back as you learned it.
  • After overtaking.
  • Turn signals early on before changing lanes.
  • Better once too much than too seldom.

First Look, Then Steer

Experienced drivers and novices alike will agree that the first rule of driving is never to look and steer at the same time. But what does that really mean? Sticking your head out the window when you drive is a sure way to be sideswiped by another driver. It also distracts your attention from where you’re going.

If you have to look ahead, check the road behind you before turning around and make sure there are no cars approaching on either side. Adjust your mirrors so they show more than just the side of your car and roll down your windows if necessary; always keep one hand on the wheel at all times.

  • Never look and steer at the same time.
  • Look over your shoulder only to check the blind spot.
  • Only a short look, otherwise you don’t see where are you going 😉

How to Prepare for the German Practical Driving Test

Start Early

It’s one of the underestimated tricks for passing the German driver’s license practical test. I have shared my personal experience and the questions that were asked during the practical driving test.

If you’re planning on taking your driving test soon, start early! The more time you have to prepare, the more likely you are to succeed. Practice is one of those things that requires time and energy investment in order for it to pay off. If you feel like you don’t have enough hours in a day or if your schedule is packed with commitments, ask a friend or family member if they can help you out with some practice sessions.

Tips to Pass Practical Driving Test in Germany

Of course, one thing’s for sure: The earlier you begin, even if only a few weeks before your test date, the better off you’ll be when it comes down to it. A little preparation goes a long way, so take advantage of all available resources and get started as soon as possible. Good luck!

Practice in an Area with Lots of Different Road Types

If you want to have the best chance at passing your practical driving test on the first try, then practice in an area with lots of different types of roads. If you’re taking your driving test on a closed track, then great. But if you need to take it out on public roads, make sure you’ve practised in various conditions. There’s a big difference between driving down a quiet country lane and roaring along busy main roads with lots of lights.

Know where all of your controls are: If it’s been a while since you sat in one of those awful, tiny learner-driver cars, figure out exactly where everything is now – but don’t rely on muscle memory. Get up close and personal with every control so that when you’re sitting at your real driving test, you don’t have time to think about it!

Learn the Common Road Signs and Their Meanings

Signaling is an important aspect of passing your practical driving test. If you don’t know what each sign means, you could easily miss a turn and fail your test (or worse). One common mistake is failing to check for street signs or make a turn because you failed to notice a change in direction. Familiarize yourself with these signs and pay attention.

Being able to quickly identify changes in traffic flow will help you avoid accidents on your road tests. There are two types of changes:

Focus on Your Car Control Skills

Whether you’re turning, changing lanes, or manoeuvring through traffic, your car control skills need to be on point for you to pass your driving test. To build your car control skills, it’s important that you spend a good deal of time practising in parking lots and on quiet side streets.

It might seem boring at first but when you think about it: How else will you really prepare for getting behind that wheel? By spending as much time as possible learning how to operate a vehicle correctly. Otherwise, what are they going to grade? Your ability to parallel park? Not exactly—these practical manoeuvres won’t count toward your final score.

Think Ahead, but Don’t Think Too Far Ahead

Thinking of all possible outcomes and scenarios before you begin driving is a great way to make sure you’re prepared for whatever comes your way. But over-planning can have its downsides: If you spend too much time thinking about things that might happen in the future, it could compromise your ability to react when they actually do.

Anticipating certain driving situations can be helpful, but don’t let fear or paranoia creep into your thoughts—you want your anxiety level high enough so that you’re alert and aware of everything going on around you (without panicking), not so high that it inhibits your ability to drive effectively.

Set Realistic Goals

If you fail, there’s no point beating yourself up. All you can do is try again (and remember to leave more time next time). If your goal was unrealistic from the start, however, then there are lessons to be learned. First and foremost: In terms of learning how to drive, practice makes perfect—but that doesn’t mean setting a new goal with an equally ambitious deadline.

When it comes down to it, car driving is a life skill. It’s not something you need to pass in order to get on with your life. It’s something you should learn so that you can enjoy getting around for years to come.

Set realistic goals and take plenty of time to master each step along the way. This will help ensure that passing your test becomes a natural part of growing into adulthood, rather than a stressful hurdle on which all else hinges.

Take Your Time, It’s Going to Be Ok

Whether you’re taking a driving test for your driver’s license or you’re just out on a practice run, calm down and relax. Take as much time as you need with your instructor (or in solitude) at every turn and junction.

There are going to be other cars, bikes, pedestrians, and usually a lot of them, so make sure you know how far you can go, how fast you can go there, where all of your mirrors are pointing and what they show, etc., before moving forward. If nothing else, take your time; it will pay off!

Out of these fourteen tips, which one is your favourite for passing the practical driving test in Germany? If you want to know the process of getting a driving license in Germany. Here is everything you need to know to get your driving license in Germany.

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Driving Without a License in Germany https://driveegermany.com/driving-without-a-license-in-germany/ https://driveegermany.com/driving-without-a-license-in-germany/#respond Sat, 29 Oct 2022 09:45:04 +0000 https://driveegermany.com/?p=7757 What happens if you drive without a license in Germany? If you are driving without a license in Germany or if your license has been revoked, you could be prosecuted under Section 21 StVG. Depending on the offense, this could result in a fine or imprisonment for up to one year.

If you have difficulty passing your practical driving test, we have shared 14 tips and tricks to pass your German driver’s license.

Driving Without a License in Germany

In order to drive legally in Germany, you must not only have a driving license, but the appropriate one for the car you’re driving. To drive different types of vehicles, you need different licenses. Driving without the corresponding license for the vehicle you’re driving can lead to criminal charges. For example, a category B driving license does not permit you to drive the same vehicles as a C or D license would. Even if the person holds a driving license, they may still be charged if they don’t have the appropriate license for the vehicle in question which means driving without a license in Germany.

It’s important to remember that you need the right license not only for driving a car but also for attaching a trailer. You might need a B license to drive a car, but that won’t be enough if you’re planning on adding a trailer. For that, you’ll need a BE license.

Forgot Your Driver’s License at Home

This can also happen: the document is simply forgotten at home. If the person in question has a driver’s license but doesn’t have it with them when questioned by police, they could face an administrative charge. You may only have to pay a small administrative fine if you’re caught. If you cannot show it to the police during a traffic stop, you are committing an administrative offense. According to the catalog of fines, the penalty for this is a warning fine of 10 euros.

Some offenses examples are not carrying your driving license, failing to report a lost driving license, and operating a moped without the right license. Some other administrative offenses are not having glasses while driving when needed.

Are Car Owners Liable for Drivers Without a License?

If you own a car, it’s in your best interest to make sure that the person borrowing your vehicle has a valid driver’s license. You can ask to see their license if needed. If the owner of the car permits or requests someone to drive their vehicle without a license or with a driving ban, they can also become criminally liable according to StVG section 21.

Companies that provide their employees with company cars also need to check in on them annually. This includes making sure they have the required driving license as well as ensuring they haven’t been given a driving ban that would prevent them from using the car.

The seller should request to see the potential buyer’s driver’s license before allowing them to take a test drive of the car. Remember, during the test drive, you as the seller are still technically the owner of the vehicle. Thus, they need to confirm that the driver of their car has a legitimate driver’s license. Once the vehicle is sold, it is no longer the seller’s property.

If a car owner allows their child to practice driving, the owner can also receive criminal charges if they don’t have the required driving license. They are allowed to practice in closed, private settings with the car owner’s permission, but not in public traffic. If the car is used on road, its owner risks getting fined, penalty points, and even imprisonment.

Related: Drink Driving Limit in Germany: Guide for Drivers.

Driving While Banned

If someone drives even though they have a driving ban or their license has been revoked, they can be prosecuted. Taking this action indicates that the person has willfully violated a traffic law, which will likely lead to more severe penalties such as increased fines, points against their license, or imprisonment.

Driving Ban vs Revoked Driving License

Banned Driving LicenseRevoked Driving License
For example, if you receive a driving ban for speeding, you must turn in your driver’s license. After the specified time has passed, you will get your driver’s license back. A driving ban generally lasts between one and six months.If your driving license is revoked due to drug abuse or drinking and driving, then you have to apply for it again after the deadline has passed. This process is usually associated with high costs and passing a medical psychological examination (MPU).
driving ban applies to all motorized vehicles. Mopeds, e-scooters, bicycles with an auxiliary motor, and e-bikes are also prohibited.If the driver’s license is revokeddriving mopeds up to 25 km/h is generally permitted.

Does Insurance Pay If the Driver Does Not Have a Valid Driver’s License?

The motor vehicle liability insurance (Kfz-Haftpflicht), which pays the damage to the opponent in the event of an accident at fault, can repeat the money and make recourse claims of up to 5000 euros. The comprehensive insurance (Kaskoversicherung) may not pay at all. This means that you are left with damage to your own vehicle.

Driving Offences with a Foreign Driving Licence

If you’re driving in Germany with a foreign license and commit a driving offense, you can be prosecuted under the § 29 FeV (Driving Licence Ordinance). This applies even if your home country’s license has expired or been revoked, regardless of whether you have your primary residence in Germany.

Driving licenses from European Union countries are typically valid in Germany. Thus, there is no need to convert the license into a German one usually. If you have an EU license, you can continue driving in Germany without being charged with offenses for not having a valid driver’s permit.

If you have a non-EU license and want to move to Germany, you may need to get a German license, depending on your current license. Are you curious about the steps necessary to obtain a German driver’s license?

Driving Abroad Despite a Driving Ban

You cannot drive in foreign countries if you have already turned in your German driver’s license, as you would then be unable to present the required original document. Depending on where you are, hefty fines may also be incurred.

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When to Use Headlight Flasher in Germany https://driveegermany.com/when-to-use-headlight-flasher-in-germany/ https://driveegermany.com/when-to-use-headlight-flasher-in-germany/#respond Thu, 27 Oct 2022 13:02:02 +0000 https://driveegermany.com/?p=7716 When to Use Headlight Flasher in Germany, when it comes to headlight flashers, there are a few things drivers need to know before hitting the road in Germany. In this article, we will cover everything from when they can be used, what they mean for drivers, and how to use them correctly.

We’ll also provide some tips on etiquette while driving with headlight flashers in Germany. So, whether you’re a tourist visiting the country or a resident driver, read on for all you need to know about using headlight flashers in Germany!

When Can I Use Headlight Flasher in Germany?

In Germany, headlight flashers are only allowed to be used in two situations: when warning other drivers of danger and when overtaking. These are exactly two situations:

  • If you feel that you or others are at risk
  • If you overtake outside built-up areas

Did you know that it is against the law to give someone priority by flashing your headlights at them? Just like, for example, warning drivers of an approaching speed trap by flashing a headlight. But, if the driver in the left lane doesn’t see that you want to pass them – even though you’re signaling with your indicator light – you can flash your headlights at them. However, it should only be for a few seconds and intermittently. As long as maintain a safe distance from the car ahead of you, then you’re not breaking any rules or coercion.

Flashing Lights – When Is It Necessary

If the distance between two vehicles is only a few meters and the driver of the vehicle in front is forced to clear the left lane or drive faster over a longer distance by flashing his lights, the driver who is tailgating can be criminally investigated. In addition to a heavy fine, he or she could face a driving ban or the revocation of his or her driver’s license.

Recommended: Defensive Driving: A Comprehensive Introduction.

Flashing Headlights on Autobahn

It is considered aggressive to flash your headlights. The fine can be severe if you do that and approach fast and tightly at the same time. It might explain why there are fewer people doing it now.

The left lane is always the only lane you can use to pass someone. The right lane should be driven at 100 km/h unless you are running out of gas, in which case you can drive 80 km/h and switch on the warning lights).

In Germany, truck traffic is extremely high due to its location in the middle of Europe. While not intended to be so, the right lane has become a lorry/truck lane. So if we have three lanes and the right lane is full of trucks, the middle lane accommodates the normal cars which in fact have a speed of 130-150 km/h, the left lane should be reserved for overtaking (meaning that people use it for high speed). 

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