The study of Studienkolleg in Germany

studienkolleg in Germany
How to study studienkolleg in Germany

We will look at the studienkolleg in Germany and get a complete understanding of it. Germany may be the land of opportunities for millions of people from all over the world. Many look up to the country for jobs and education. Germany offers quality education. Students are coming in bulks to study different programs in Germany. For a bachelor’s student, Germany offers studienkolleg. Those coming from the non-European state have to complete this one year program, to be eligible for studying the bachelor’s program.
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Studienkolleg in Germany

Studienkolleg is a preparatory course designed to prepare the coming international students. It is also called “Foundation course”. If you are willing to study in Germany but your educational background does not qualify you for direct entry into a course of study. Studienkolleg will prepare you academically and linguistically for your further studies in Germany.

Who offers studienkolleg

You can study Studienkolleg at types of places in Germany. They are:

  • Either at studienkolleg university.
  • Or at university of applied sciences.

Private studienkollegs in Deutschland

You can study studienkolleg privately in Germany. You apply directly to the institute that offers studienkolleg. But for applying to private first check if it is valid in all Germany. Private studienkollegs are expensive. However, if you pass your Feststellungsprüfung after studying from a private institute. You are eligible for admission to bachelors.

Types of studienkolleg courses

The students are taught in two-semester courses. These are subject-specific depending upon your bachelor program. The university Studienkolleg offers the following courses for preparation:

  • M-course: This is for medical, biological, Veterinary or pharmaceutical program.
  • T-course: This is for mathematical, science or technical programs.
  • W-course: This is for business, economics, law or social science programs.
  • G-course: This is for humanity or German studies.
  • S-course: This is for language and philology programs.

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The University of Applied Sciences offers the following studienkolleg courses:

  • TI-course: This is for technical and engineering programs.
  • WW-course: This is for economics and business programs.
  • GD-course: This is for design and art programs.
  • SW-course: This is for social science programs.

Why study studienkolleg?    

In Germany, education before undergraduate studies is 13 years. If you want to study in Germany, you have to check if your previous qualifications are recognized at German universities. Mostly EU-countries school leaving certificate are recognized in Germany. But if you are moving from the non-EU state you have to study a one-year foundation course. As most studies in Germany are in the German language. So German language classes are priority in a Studienkolleg course. They equip you with a solid level of knowledge in language so you are further able to study your bachelors.

How to apply for Studienkolleg?

To study Studienkolleg in Germany follow these steps:

Find a program and university you want to study

Look for the program you want to study. You can look this online at DAAD website or through uni-assist. You can also directly research on the internet for universities. Check the university and also their requirements. In some universities, you have to directly apply for the program. And they will refer you to the studienkolleg. Although, some ask you to apply through the Uni-assist.

studienkolleg in Germany


You are eligible for the course if you have:

  • Proof of at least the B1 level of German language knowledge
  • And have cleared at least 12 years studies


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You have to apply to University to study studienkolleg. Firstly, you apply for university. And then they refer you to a studienkolleg. You can also apply directly to the Studienkolleg, if it is a private institution.

Some universities require you to apply through uni-assist. The application is made through the online application available at Uni-Assist website.

Studienkolleg requirements

 You require the following documents to apply for Studienkolleg:

  • Your school-leaving certificate
  • Proof of your previous education
  • German Language proficiency certificate of at least B1 level
  • A Europass format CV

You have to submit translated copies of all the above mentioned documents.

Get student visa for Germany

  • You have to apply for a student visa as soon as you apply for the Program.
  • And book an appointment at the German embassy of your country.
  • You will receive an acceptance letter from the studienkolleg for the admission test.
  • Take that letter and other required documents for the Visa interview.
  • If you pass the interview you will receive your student visa.

Studienkolleg entrance exam

After you have received your student visa you travel to Germany for the admission test. To study Studienkolleg you need to give an entrance exam called “Aufnahmeprüfung”. This is basically to check if your German knowledge (B1 level). If it is sufficient to study in the foundation course. And it also checks your mathematics and other related subjects knowledge. If you pass this test you can study studienkolleg.
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Cost to study studienkolleg

studying studienkolleg

There is no tuition fee for Studienkolleg. However, you pay a semester contribution fee. That varies for a type of course. It is usually between 100 to 400 Euro per semester. And the private studienkolleg charge you a fee.

Except this, you have to cover your living cost. That includes your accommodation, health insurance, food and books etc. This is usually 720 Euros per semester for students.

  • You are not allowed to work while you are studying this course. However, it is possible to work during the semester break. If you take special permission from the foreign office.

How long is a foundation course/ Studienkolleg?

The foundation course is usually 1 year long. And this one year contains 2 semesters of studies.

What to do after studienkolleg?

An examination conducted is after the study of the foundation course called “Feststellungsprüfung”. This test will determine whether you are eligible for the admission to bachelors program. And if you want to get admission into the German university you will have to clear this course. So if you are not able to clear in one attempt, you will have to give this examination again. It is conducted twice in a year.

We hope this article helps you get admission to the Studienkolleg in Germany.

Nada Irfan
Nada is a professional content writer who loves to write creative & innovative articles in order to share knowledge and information. she believes her enthusiasm for writing can help others get benefit from it


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