Question: 1.1.02-135 What should you anticipate when pedestrians are crossing the road?

Pedestrians can

A. – be inattentive.

B. – come to a sudden stop.

C. – turn back after halfway.


What should you anticipate when pedestrians are crossing the road?

Option A: Pedestrians might be distracted by their phones, conversations, or other activities. This lack of attention can cause them to step onto the road without checking for oncoming traffic or to misjudge vehicle speeds.

Option B: Pedestrians might suddenly stop for various reasons, such as hesitating or waiting for someone.

Option C: Pedestrians might change their minds or realize they need to go back. This unexpected behavior can lead to accidents if drivers do not anticipate it and adjust their speed accordingly.

Faisal Nazir
Faisal Nazir , an experienced driver with extensive knowledge of Germany's roads. From mastering the Autobahn to understanding the nuances of local traffic rules.


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