Question: 1.1.02-022 What do you have to reckon with when children are waiting at traffic lights?

A. They will already start running when the traffic lights in my driving direction change from green to amber

B. They will also start running when the light is red because they cannot wait since it’s taking them too long

C. They will push each other onto the roadway


What do you have to reckon with when children are waiting at traffic lights?

Children are not as rational as adults and they cannot be expected to remain patient and obedient during traffic signals. They race as soon as they see the lights changing to amber or when they are red. They may also act carelessly, they may run around frantically, and they may elbow each other onto the road. This should be expected by the drivers and it is not very risky for drivers to approach the traffic lights especially when there are children.

Faisal Nazir
Faisal Nazir , an experienced driver with extensive knowledge of Germany's roads. From mastering the Autobahn to understanding the nuances of local traffic rules.


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