Question: 1.1.03-005 There is oil on the road. What should you do now?

if you see road is slippery what you have to do now

A. I notify the fire brigade.

B. I avoid heavy braking and abrupt steering movements.

C. I swerve onto the left-hand side of the road.


There is oil on the road. What should you do now?

When encountering oil on the road, it’s important to handle the situation calmly to make sure the safety of yourself and others. While it may seem counterintuitive, swerving to the left can be dangerous and is not recommended unless it’s indispensable and safe.

Faisal Nazir
Faisal Nazir , an experienced driver with extensive knowledge of Germany's roads. From mastering the Autobahn to understanding the nuances of local traffic rules.


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