Question: 1.1.02-027 What do you have to reckon with when elderly persons using walking frames cross the road?

A. They may stop on the road

B. They may turn round and go back

C. They will cross the road slowly


What do you have to reckon with when elderly persons using walking frames cross the road?

They may stop on the road: Elderly individuals using walking frames might stop unexpectedly due to fatigue or balance issues. Drivers should be vigilant and prepared to stop.

They may turn round and go back: Elderly pedestrians may change direction suddenly, necessitating extra caution from drivers to prevent accidents.

They will cross the road slowly: Due to mobility limitations, elderly individuals using walking frames generally move slowly, so drivers should be patient and allow them ample time to cross safely.

Faisal Nazir
Faisal Nazir , an experienced driver with extensive knowledge of Germany's roads. From mastering the Autobahn to understanding the nuances of local traffic rules.


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