Question: 1.1.02-110-B Which statements are correct in this situation?

which one is the correct option
A. The bus may be passed in either lane but no faster than at walking speed. B. Vehicles...

Question: 1.1.02-112 In a residential area a ball rolls out in front of your vehicle. How must you react?

In a residential area a ball rolls out in front of your vehicle. How must you react
A. Brake B. Continue driving C. Avoid hitting it Explanation: In a residential area a ball rolls out in front of...

Question: 1.1.02-109-B Which statements are correct in this situation?

what is correct course of action in this situation
A. Cars coming from the opposite direction may pass the bus provided that they do so with...

Question: 1.1.02-108-B What must you heed in this situation?

Why is it important to know your warning lights?
You may A. -Pass at walking speed only. B. -Pass only if you are sure that passengers are not...

Question: 1.1.02-107 A child is walking on the pavement with a dog on a lead. Can this cause a dangerous situation?

A child is walking on the pavement with a dog on a lead. Can this cause a dangerous situation
A. Yes, if the dog suddenly runs onto the roadway and pulls the child along behind. B. Yes,...