About Us

DriveeGermany is a 10MB project. The core purpose of 10MB is to contribute the society. DriveeGermany shares a significant part in this purpose. 10MB is working on different projects altogether. Please do check our other projects DriveeUAE, flutterRDart and K53LearnersApp.

Germany is a rich multicultural country. DriveeGermany aims to help to make all the foreigners a better German citizen. We guide you to get one of the toughest driving licenses in the world.

Germany has a fee-free educational system which attracts a lot of scholars and we help them to secure admission and scholarship in German universities.

German GDP is one of the strongest GDP in the world. Germany is a dream country for experts. DriveeGermany help you to get a better job in Germany.

We cover all the basic things that you need to know about Germany. Stay connected and do share your thoughts.